Are you having difficulty buying a single-family home?

We’re not real estate agents, but if you’re in a unique situation such as not enough for a down payment or bad credit, we might be able to help!

Buy a Home Without Banks

As investors, we have properties that we can lease option, making it more affordable.

We’ll Help Find You a Home

If we don’t have a home that fits your needs, we might know someone who does.

Arizona Homes

Our goal is to help you get the outcome you want without the pain and frustration.

Chris Eggleston

Ready to Buy A home?

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We are not licensed real estate agents we are real estate investors. It is important to conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any decisions. AFA Housing Solutions does not guarantee any specific outcome or profit. Your use of this website is subject to our terms and conditions, please read them carefully.